
Session 3

A project log for Light Pollution Monitor

This project monitors light pollution with a photocell and will allow users to push data from their device to a website via Twitter.

caleb-hannemanCaleb Hanneman 08/15/2015 at 23:210 Comments

Project Log 3:

I am now working on building the prototype of my project on a breadboard so that I can upload my code to the ATTINY. This is primarily test code, however remnants will carry over into the final version. I am also working on research into converting the resistance of the photocell into a more standard Lux reading so that it can be compared to a good reading of light pollution. I will post my sources in the links section. I am also working on the main schematic for the project alongside the gerber board files. I will upload the schematic to the project photos and I will give a download link to the gerber files in the links section on the project page.
