
Prooving the concept

A project log for Household Electrically Enhanced Wet Scrubber

A household air purification unit for kitchens, labs, & smokers used to scrub fine particulates and VOC's out of the air.

jimmy-lockeJimmy Locke 08/15/2015 at 09:060 Comments

This week has been a rush to finish everything for my project submission to the contest. I thought I had to finish everything before submitting and hadn't realized that I could post project updates much earlier.

So far I have finished constructing a prototype and have ran some early testing. The results are promising but still not up to par to what I like. I've measured the wet scrubber is scrubbing particles near its theoretical limits scrubbing all particles above 1-2um. I'm now banking on the electrostatic augmentation to carry me the rest of the way.

I'm having problems with the electrostatic charging grids shorting out with the residual liquid inside the inner chamber. I have to switch to a brush come terminal mounted into the entrance pipe so it isn't close to the water. This is less efficient however since there is less surface area and the air velocity is too high. Regardless, the electrostatic charging does have a visible effect. I'll have to fix the charge grid design on the next iteration.
