

A project log for Valify V2 Robot Lawnmower

3D Printed Jetson TX2 based robotic lawnmower aims to build an "smart" robotic lawnmower using open technology

robin-frjdRobin Fröjd 03/27/2018 at 15:080 Comments

Today I did a quick assembly so I could test the drive system before CNC milling the last parts. Very quite drive (the noise is coming from my Raise3D printer running in the background)

I will 3D print a larger pulley for the shaft reducing the RPM even more. 

Here is the Pulley design. Diameter 105mm, 80T. This on the limit on what I could fit within the robot. Lets see

105mm pulley with 80T
105mm pulley with 80T
Profile Sketch for a XR pulley.
Profile Sketch for a XR pulley.

Visit for more info of the project.
