

A multifunctional measuring system for health and disease support, in cases where it is difficult an immediate intervention.

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Meditech is a dedicated small and integrated hardware and software system able to acquire data from different probes, reaching the better possible diagnostic scenario over a patiant working in conditions where a traditional diagnosis is slower, extremely difficult and in many cases impossible to produce in a reasonable time.

While a portable diagnostic first-aid tool should be used, not rarely in extreme conditions e.g. accidents, earthquakes, wild areas, etc. it is almost difficult that the injured(s) can count on a high skilled medical crew. Here we are thinking in totally different places than an hospital.
The ability to connect the system with any kind of Android device to manage data and exchange information real-time with a remote medical support can be a definitive solution: The on-site group can remotely exchange live data and be helped and guided to operate in the better possible conditions despite the objective hostile conditions.

A note on the key concepts
The key concepts of the Meditech project moves around the creation of a multifunctional measuring system for health and disease support, especially in cases where it is difficult an immediate intervention. The most fictional approximate representation of this concept is just the tricorder user by Dr Leonard McCoy to diagnose almost anything (Medical tricorder - Wikipedia)
This inspiring idea has already moved a not indifferent number of average and big players but - as for as what I saw until now proposals and ideas are oriented in directions that are not so much aligned with my personal vision of what science and technology will be.

(Video showing one of the most recent tests on the Meditech prototype: IR controller and voice feedback)

Keeping apart the philosophical considerations I see that there are very few stuff already developed in this direction and few of these are today products. The other aspect investigating in this niche of the biomedical devices applications - it seems that the alternatives are limited to a very generic range of diagnostic devices.
Meditech aims to make a low-cost, small and integrated system to acquire data from probes, to reach a diagnostic data set applied in conditions where a traditional diagnosis is slower, extremely difficult and in many cases impossible to make in a reasonable time.

An essential feature of Meditech
As acting as a portable diagnostic first-aid tool we can expect that in extreme conditions it can be difficult that the involved injured(s) can count on a high-skilled medical crew.

The ability to connect Meditech with any Android device to exchange real-time information with a remote medical support can be a definitive solution.

  • 3 × Raspberry PI B+
  • 1 × Raspberry PI B2
  • 1 × ATX switching power supply
  • 1 × Bitscope pro
  • 1 × Stanley ABS plastic bag

View all 25 components

  • Meditech nominated 'Project of the Year' on Element14

    Enrico Miglino12/10/2015 at 10:58 0 comments

    Inside of the Element14 Community Awards 2015, Meditech project has been nominated Project of the Year.

  • Meditech won SciFi your PI Challenge on Element14

    Enrico Miglino12/10/2015 at 10:41 0 comments

    The full Meditech prototype 1 development can be followed on Element14 at the following link:

    Actually the Meditech Project won the SciFi your PI Element14 challenge

  • Planning the development lifecycle

    Enrico Miglino08/20/2015 at 20:55 0 comments

    This project involves several disciplines and different approaches so first of all it has been divided in sub-projects accordingly with the general description of what should be reached.
    Some parts should follow a chronological order but there are other steps that can overlap and will be joined together when the development steps needs.

    Adopted development and documentation tools and packages
    The following is a list of the tools that will be adopted during the development lifecycle, as much as possible open-source products and platforms.

    Firmware and software development
    If needed the Linux environment on the Raspberry PI will be Qt-based with the framework QtComplex that I have developed time ago with the Qt Nokia crew then always maintained.
    Eclipse + ADT plugins for the Android development, Android version 4.4+
    Eclipse with the C++ environment for the linux side on the RPI devices
    Where needed specific development platforms where hardware requires them

    Hardware design and prototyping
    PCB prototypes, as well as all the supports and mechanic components will be created with a mill machine controlled by Mach3 on a dedicated Windows platform
    Circuit schematics, design and PCB layout will be created with Eagle 7.x

    To fasten and simplify the documentation operations, excluding the designs and hardware implementation and testing that are documented with graphics, exported images, videos and photos, all the documentation is included in the software and final documents are created with the Doxygen + LaTex tools. The documents will be available on the Balearic Dynamics reference site.

    Software sources
    All the software sources packages are versioned under Git hosted on GitHub.

  • Meditech protytpe progress status

    Enrico Miglino08/15/2015 at 20:30 0 comments

    This is the global Meditech project progress status. Every new notable step or publication of the project will be published.


View all 4 project logs

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