
Spobo Speakers

Durable speaker with a built in touchscreen Mp3 player. Made for longboarding and other outdoor activities.

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So I was long boarding one day down by the water and thought to myself music could make this much better. So the next day I bought my Bose speaker out with me and realized it was just annoying to hold the speaker we'll riding. I finally decided that I was going to make my own speaker that attached to the front of my longboard so I can ride and enjoy music.

I wanted to build a durable speaker but I wanted it to have Apple Music built into it. So I decided that I would use a iPhone as the base Mp3 player.

  • 2 × Cheap Speakers
  • 1 × iPhone 4s
  • 1 × 1600 mAh Battery
  • 1 × GoPro mount

  • 1
    Step 1

    You purchase all of the components.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Next take all of them apart and use the parts that you need.

  • 3
    Step 3

    After everything is taken apart you have to solder everything together. I like to start with making the two speakers one and after I've done that I solder the 1600 battery to the main chip so the speakers have a lot of power to use.

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