Now that I had working electronics, I needed to handle the mechanical aspects. The receiver/globe was fairly straight forward. I had to remove the original electronics. Then I had to design a 3D printed part that would connect to the plug part and hold my circuit board in place. I designed and printed this in relatively short order, and the electronics press fits in perfectly. There was a strange dome inside the globe that prevented the electronics from going all the way in the enclosure, so I had to dremel that out.
Slick, eh? It uses the same seal and screw, so it's still waterproof. I had to drill a couple holes in the bottom of the plug to fit a rope I could attach to a pole, but the seal should still be good.
For the transmitter, I didn't have a ready enclosure, so I designed and 3D printed my own. To attach the two halves I went with an outer and inner lip that press fit together. This way I can still pull it apart to change the battery.
This is a little odd for a design; the LEDs are on one side of the switch and the module is on the other. This is ergonomically dumb because you would then hold it so the LEDs point up, which means your hand is wrapped right around the antenna, significantly reducing the range. I need to fix that.
With the mechanicals for the two parts done, there are two things left: firmware, and installation.
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