
Around the world FEDs!

A project log for Feeding Experimentation Device (FED) 2.0

FED measures food intake in mice. It is battery powered and designed to be used in rodent colony caging.

lex-kravitzLex Kravitz 07/02/2018 at 19:460 Comments

We have heard from people building FEDs in several countries, which is great!  These include Canada, France, Switzerland, Germany, S Korea, and several sites in the US!  This log is recognizing where FEDs are going. Please get in touch to put your photos up here!

James Ousey sent his from Caltech in the USA:

Lydia Hanna sent this photo from Exeter University in the UK!

This is actually the FED1.0 design, from Zhenwei Su, Post-Doctoral fellow in Nick Betley's lab at University of Pennsylvania

And a FED2 from Kristina Wirkowski in the same lab!

From Sung-Yon Kim's lab at Seoul National University in S. Korea.

From Stephanie Borgland's lab at the University of Calgary in Canada:

From Diego Bohorquez's lab at Duke University in North Carolina, USA (this is one of the earliest versions of the original FED):


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