
USB based power supply

You need supply voltage up to 40V on your computer ? - that's the way to fix

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The USB socket provides by default 5V; the computer at 500mA, in good cases and external supply even 2A. So it would be handy to have multiple supply voltages hence I've built a little power supply offering 2.7V up to 40V (well, in realitity 12V output should be enough).
Therefor I've followed the application note from Linear for LTC3114 and built a nice pcb. As this is a Buck/Boost Converter larger and lower voltages than the 5V input can be easily created.

key is the application note of the LTC3114. I made a nice pcb in order to be compliant in design.

All documents are located on my site and the schematic/PCB layout can be found here. My layout normally supports a multiturn trimmer on board, but easily it can be replaced by a multiturn potentiometer so you're quite flexible in adjusting the voltage.

  • 1 × pcb (based on LTC3114 app note) Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × Voltmeter SKU096509 (Banggood)

  • 1
    Step 1

    the construction is straight forward:

    - take a box

    - plug in a USB connector and wire to the DC/DC board

    - add a voltmeter

    - add output connects of your choice

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