

The state of the art standalone SDR transceiver badge

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The rad1o badge contains a full-featured SDR (software defined radio) half-duplex transceiver, operating in a frequency range of about 50 MHz - 4000 MHz, and is software compatible to the HackRF.

It is based on a Wimax transceiver which sends I/Q samples in the range of 2.3 to 2.7 GHz to an ARM Cortex M4 CPU. The CPU can process the data standalone for various applications (like FM receiving, spectrogram display, RF controlled power outlets, etc.), or pass the samples to a computer using USB 2.0 where further signal processing can be done e.g. using GNU Radio. Radio signal transmission is also possible in standalone mode by software running on the ARM CPU, or from samples that are sent to rad1o through USB.

The rad1o badge was given as a badge to 4500 visitors of the Chaos Communication Camp 2015.

The rad1o badge was inspired by the HackRF project. It was developed by a group of members of the Chaos Computer Club Munich within 6 months.

Starting early in 2015, we had the target to have a fully functional system for the Chaos Communication Camp 2015 in Mildenberg. And, we wanted to have 4500 pieces of hardware to give them away as the event badge, so it was a just in time development and production.

It is a fully functional SDR transceiver, capable of booting either into the firmware the well-known HackRF, or into custom firmware, capable of using all the onboard hardware peripherals. This allows to build sophisticated standalone SDR applications.

The project is fully covered by the GNU GPL

  • 1 × rad1o parts list fully documented in github

  • The Camp - August 2015

    andz08/17/2015 at 20:45 0 comments

    Here is the Camp. We were able to give 4500 stand-alone SDR badges to the participants of the Chaos Communication Camp 2015. Only 2 days later, we got a huge number of fancy and great firmware commits. Even the first standalone SDR apps got created without needing a computer.

    We are really looking forward how it will continue.

  • Mass Production - July/August 2015

    andz08/17/2015 at 20:40 0 comments

    We had no time for a second prototype. So all design changes had to be without errors. We ordered all the parts and were able to produce all 4500 badges within a few days before the camp.

  • First Prototype - June 2015

    andz08/17/2015 at 20:36 0 comments

    We got the first 6 prototypes of the badge in June 2015. From now we only had less than 2 month till the camp. But we had to fix a number of problems in that time.

  • Design Start - January 2015

    andz08/17/2015 at 20:33 0 comments

    In January 2015 we startet with the detialed design. The hard part was, to get all the parts for 4500 badges which should be given to all the partisipiatiants of the CCCamp 2015

  • Idea - August 2014

    andz08/17/2015 at 20:30 0 comments

    We had the idea to create the Chaos Communication Camp 2015 Badge in our loca hackerspace in munich.

    After the r0ket from 2011 we decided to build a SDR as a badge.

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