
Polar Camera Prototype Improvements

A project log for Project Hyperion

Alternative camera technologies research

mihnea-rusuMihnea Rusu 08/17/2015 at 21:210 Comments

There are a number of improvements that can be done, and here I will list the main ones I will be focusing on in the next few weeks.

1. Removing the slip rings completely as they produce noise and do not work well at high rpm as well as produce vibrations. Instead replace them with induction coils (this is also known as a rotary transformer) and thus wirelessly transmit the information from the camera to the processor. The power will remain on a slip ring, however this will be simplistic and unrestrictive.

2. Modifying the slip ring so that instead of wires it uses copper spring loaded pads which dynamically adjust the pressure on the slip ring minimising friction and thus motor current required reducing the vibration.

3. Modify the entire build to no longer move the sensor circulary, but linearly thus removing the blind spot in the centre of the circle. This allows us to also operate without sliprings as well as require no interpolation, but also results in a rectangular image. However oscillatory vibrations will need to be accounted for at the resonant frequencies.

This project log will be updated with more info as soon as it is available.
