

another "plants thing" to keep mine happy ;)

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goal was to have the most flexibility while keeping the solution in a 'robust housing':

light & moisture sensing ( temp is to be added ) & handles an LED & 2 peristaltic pumps to flow water (arrives in drips).

- the controls for the "in-box stuff" had to be there for anything that wished to controls it now || in a [near ?] future.
Also, this made testing the board itself pretty easiy using only the pin exposed through the (only ) header
- the uC stuff ( that connects to the controls board ) is currently made of what I had on hand, but it's justan ESP8266, an Arduino & some the 5V3.3V stuff,
- the ESP8266 should have been enough, but for the few days I had to build stuff / no more shift registers, I did go the easy way round :/ ..

nb: the setup differes a little bit from the stuff I planned to do originally ( as exposed in the 123DCircuits schematic)
- the transistors are IRLB8721 instead of PN2222A
- separate power supplies

ps: just received some EPS03 ;p

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