
First 25,000 Miles Planned

A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

benchoffBenchoff 09/07/2015 at 16:100 Comments

Since this project is *heavily* geared towards USPS medium flat rate boxes, We're first going to bounce across the US for about 25,000 miles. That's the circumference of the Earth, so if we can manage this, we should be able to manage expeditions further afield.

Since I put up the registration form for the travelling hacker box (you'll want to click on that if you haven't already registered), I've gotten enough responses to kick this box around america for 25,000 miles. It would have been much easier had someone from Alaska or Hawaii signed up.

Here's the map:

I'm using great circle distance to the nearest airport only initially. It makes planning easier. For the first 14 trips, the box will travel a total of 25,536 miles. That's the entire way around the planet.

It'll be about two weeks until the box is on its way - I'm shipping it full of goodies from OHS in Philly this year. People will be contacted in due time, so hold on to your butts.

