
The box comes to Texas...

A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

xobmoxobmo 10/20/2015 at 03:560 Comments

Never thought it would get here so fast. Well Adam spoiled the show with his video last week but it's not like me to not take a peek inside. Speaking of peek, I was tempted to take the peek he added last week but I figured the st boards and that huge lcd were more worth my time. Here's what I am adding. Click on the picture to read the tiny text.

Plus one Nextar Q4 GPS unit and an HP 12C RPN Financial calculator.

And here's what I am taking:

Both ST Discovery Boards. (both have broken buttons)

The ST prototyping board for the f0 board

2 different stickers

The graphic LCD

One of the Cypress CY8KIT Psoc boards

An Adafruit Pro Trinket

Sparkfun BLE Mate 2

RGB Button

Hope someone can use my stuff!

