
The HADBox lands in Vacationland

A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

paulpaul 03/09/2016 at 01:120 Comments

When I got home from work yesterday, I'm the I.T. Director of a call center, in my home office/workshop was the box I'd been eagerly waiting for all day. The Traveling HAD Box! I was pretty surprised that I got to take a part in this, didn't think it would actually come to me.

Good size box, just bursting full of hacking goodness! Couldn't wait to open it!

That's what I like to see!

There was tons of stuff in this box! There's a starage container inside the box taking up a good amount of space, you wouldn't believe how much stuff can be fit in it! But there is everything in there, switches, rectifiers, shrink tubing, transformers, a little CRT, so many boards not to mention the million other things in the box. I didn't get many pictures, sorry guys, I was more interested in the stuff than taking pictures.

Here's what was in the storage container.

I grabbed:

-DVB-T+DAB+FM USB Dongle (ive been wanting to get my feet wet with SDR)

-Seeed Studio Motor Shield

-Double sided proto boards

-One of the two XMOS StartKits

-A few stickers and... oh yeah a bridge rectifier

I am adding:

-Arduino Nano with pins (not soldered)

-One of my first little analog multimeters

-chrome colored round button switch with LED ring

-3D Printer Hotend Pack ( hotend, 2 nozzles, tubing, plumbers tape, and hobbed bolt for the extruder)

-Stepper Diver for RAMPS board

-2 digit 7 segment display

-Microwave AC Capacitor

-other misc. pieces that would fit

I wanted to add as much value as I took from the box. Oh and there was a little bag with a cookie or something in it but it was completely destoyed, nothing but cookie dust in the bag so I threw that in the trash to make room for other stuff.

Some of the items I put in the box.

I'm hoping to be able to send it to it's next destination by Thursday...........

-Happy Hacking Guys and Girls!!!
