

Automatic TRAffic CONtrol system for Emergency services

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Aim of this project is to Provide Automatic Control Over Traffic Control. Using Location Services Available on Any Device,and with a Responsive Web Interface Ensuring Platform Neutrality. The Package needs 3 mysql Databases along wirh mysql server and PHP support,namely the three databases are traffic,company and controlroom each with single tables control(id,lon,lat,status),login(username,password) and login (username,password) respectively. The Database Credentials used are default ones provided with XAMPP(user: 'root' ,pass='' ) With the above explained Requirements the Whole Suit Can Be used by startring /login/index.php Coding is done with Modularity In Mind. The control Room Should depend upon status bit which is a boolean value for the succeful and efficient implementation of Signal Switching.

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Madhav M Nair wrote 08/25/2015 at 18:16 point


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