
Getting Closer

A project log for Secret Project

I told you S.E.C.R.E.T.

sufSUF 08/26/2015 at 08:272 Comments

There is an aluminum frame of the device:

I made it during the weekend. It is almost finished. The only thing is missing from the frame the two L shaped piece, what I'll use the mount it.

I also made some supports for the optical endstops:

The other things need to be done:

- Etch the board

- Build the electronics

- Write the code

- Mount the electronics to the frame

- Cut out the place of the electronics/stepper from the LDF insert

- Mount the insert to the sliders

- Mount the lighting, etc. to the insert

- Order the mirror

- Mount the mirror to the insert

- Mount the pulley to the stepper, add the timing belt, spanner, etc. (most of them not arrived yet)

- Connect everything together

- Mount the device to it's final place


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Eric Hertz wrote 08/27/2015 at 04:13 point

so it's either a sc/tanning-bed or you're planning on exposing *really long* PCBs

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SUF wrote 08/27/2015 at 06:44 point

Ok, so for tanning-bed it is a little bit small. The whole thing will be 85cm wide (with the supports not there yet).

I don't think I'll ever expose such long PCBs at home - you need proper size etching tank for this, what I don't have. :-) BTW. As I said, my wife has some connection with this project (the PCB etching is clearly not her business, she only involved in woodworking things), otherwise she doesn't care, what I'm doing. :-)

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