
Ivan gets ESP (soon)

A project log for Ivan the Teambuilt Robot

An e-NABLE robotics project to give hands to those without use of their hands. Designed with your help.

les-hallLes Hall 10/01/2015 at 22:382 Comments

I've finally received the Adafruit ESP8266 module and I'm making plans to solder it up and learn how to program it using Arduino code among others possibly.

Also in the package was a miniature security camera that delivers snapshots over a serial link at a rate of one every 30 seconds or so. So Ivan will get a crude sense of vision though it will not be real time.

I plan to put these together with a 3D printed AA battery holder (I have a bunch of AA batteries bought on special to use up) on top of Ivan's rotating platform.

Ivan will then become my first IoT device!



Les Hall wrote 10/02/2015 at 06:34 point

The main delay is when can I solder the parts together and since my cold is getting better, I should be able to get to that today.  

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frankstripod wrote 10/02/2015 at 05:41 point

I can't wait to see updates on this :)

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