
Here goes nothing!

A project log for Ivan the Teambuilt Robot

An e-NABLE robotics project to give hands to those without use of their hands. Designed with your help.

les-hallLes Hall 04/29/2016 at 01:040 Comments

Hey everyone, I'm back on this project. For the time being at least, see I was getting the robotic urge to create again and I looked at some robots, the arms, the drawing bots, a delta bot, and some way cool BB-8 Ball Droid bots including the Sphero one for $150! I wanted to create something unique so I thought of a wearable bot... But nah, I want a companion bot, something that sits here next to me at the computer and does cool stuff.

Then I was talking with my friend John and he reminded me of THIS project! He reasoned that I should go back and take this project further rather than just leave things in the past and redo a bunch of work. He's right of course, so I'm back. This time I have a working 9DOF sensor and code from Adafruit that tells me PRYs data (absolute orientation in pitch, roll, and yaw), plus WiFi chops to boot with enough knowledge of the ESP8266 chip to be dangerous to myself and others lol.

And so it begins! Yet again! Stay tuned!


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