
Ivan's "Cloud BrainZ"?

A project log for Ivan the Teambuilt Robot

An e-NABLE robotics project to give hands to those without use of their hands. Designed with your help.

les-hallLes Hall 08/17/2016 at 00:420 Comments

OK so I have this idea. I've been wanting to establish a neural net for Ivan's BrainZ for quite some time now, decades actually and these days I am getting more and more focused on the idea. So much so that I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. However my limited human BrainZ are not quite capable of doing the programming. For some stupid reason I have never been able to recreate the backprop allgorithm - close yes - but no cigar. So what If I got one or some of you to do the job.?

In fact, why don't I make it interesting and pony up a small fund for some cloud based processor power? I hear Google has an awesome cloud for super cheap and made just for this type of thing. If I offer to foot the bill, would one or more of those reading this want to program up some BrainZ for Ivan? It would be a really fun component of project Ivan and we could enjoy being part of a long-term project that may one day soon result in a sentient being coming into existence (hey, I dream big but this is not such a big dream today).

Let me know what you think - I'm interested in your reaction to this idea.



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