

A project log for Ivan the Teambuilt Robot

An e-NABLE robotics project to give hands to those without use of their hands. Designed with your help.

les-hallLes Hall 03/01/2017 at 10:270 Comments

I continue to make progress alone, without team input. If you feel so inclined I'd like your opinion on the following Ivolution, or Ivan evolution. When I put the motors in-line recently, I realized that a simplification was possible, due to the fact that I will be using skateboard bearings (608's). The result is the following belt-driven robot arm.

I find this arm to be way better in terms of performance and simplicity, pritability too. Those segments can be printed as one piece with support on one side which is nice. The rest fit prints without support, though the toolhead needs some touch-up work. Also some belts must be printed or a chain must be printed. I will be working on those details next.

Still, you can see that Ivan can now reach angles from -60 to + 120 degrees and stays very accurately on the ball!

