
LED Video lighting Using step down & boost up Volt

Video camera lighting 30 Volt LED's from a 15 Volt laptop PSU

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I take Mains 240 Volts A.C. 50Hz into the Laptop Power Brick PA3201U-1AC which outputs 15 Volts DC, (i.e. step down), then I use the Boost converter to increase this 15 Volt voltage up to 30 Volts for two high power 30 Volts, 20 Watt LED's and a 30 Volt, 10 Watt flood light LED. Also power a DIY ring LED's light

LED Video lighting Using step down & boost up Voltage

I take Mains 240 Volts A.C. 50Hz into the Laptop Power Brick PA3201U-1AC which outputs 15 Volts DC, (i.e. step down), then I use the Boost converter to increase this 15 Volt voltage up to 30 Volts for two high power 30 Volts, 20 Watt LED's and a 30 Volt, 10 Watt flood light LED. Also power a DIY ring LED's light

I had to carefully adjust the boost convector output voltage to :-

a) reduce LED light flicker

b) reduce heat of the boost converter

The 15 Volt supplies directly:-

Ringlight LED's : Rows of 5 straw-hat LEDs connected in parallel. Each one of the 5 LED's are at 3 Volts each=15 Volts from the power brick.

Number of Straw Hat LED's soldered in groups five LED, 5 LED's x 3 Volts each powered directly off the computer power supply of 15 Volts. These groups of five LED's connected in parallel, to create more light, and hot glued to cut out cardboard as a ring light.

I sanded the tops of the Straw Hat Led's a bit to defuse the light a bit as well.

Dailymotion Video

LED Video lighting Using step down & boost up Voltage

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  • 2 × 1000LM 1,000 Lumen LED SQ2WA from eBay Main lighting LED's
  • 1 × DC-DC Step Up Boost 4.5V-32V to 5-42V 6A Power Apply High-Power icstation (May now be 8 Amp) Boost 15 Votlts PSU to 30 Volts for the main Lighting LED's
  • 1 × Rocker Switch KCD1-101 250 Volts A.C. Switch 2 Pin 10x icstation Stiches for main lighting LED's
  • 1 × Heat sinks for 1000LM 1,000 Lumen LED SQ2WA from eBay Heat sinks are a MUST do for these main lighting LED's
  • 1 × Heat sink for the boost converter I used an old CPU Heat sink Make sure the boost converter says cool

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