
ADS1292 Breakout Board

A simple breakout board for the TI ADS1292 Biomedical Front-End IC

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A simple breakout board for the Texas ADS1292R Biomedical Front-End IC.

The IC is a dual-channel ADC for biomedical applications and have 24-bits of resolution and up to 8KSPS. There is also an respiration detection in channel 1.

I'm using both channels for signal sampling since the respiration rate detection circuit makes the input 1 unusable in uses other than ECG.

  • 1 × TI ADS1292R Biomedical Front-End with 24-bit resolution and respiration detector.

  • Finished circuit design!

    Giovanni Cimolin da Silva09/22/2015 at 13:04 0 comments

    I have finally finished the circuit design!

    It would be great to receive some feedback about my design.

    I am starting the PCB project this week.

    Here are a list of things that changed since the last update:

    -->Power supplies

    Two power supplies have been added, one for the analog side of the IC and the other for the digital part.

    I'm using two LM1117 low-dropout regulators from TI, which have 3v3 fixed voltage and +-1% accuracy.

    They are a bit of overkill but it is what I have in hand.


    I'm using a simple SIL 10 pin connector for communication and power, just to make it easy to plug into a breadboard.

    For the electrodes I've chosen to use T-Block connectors.

  • Halfway through circuit design

    Giovanni Cimolin da Silva09/06/2015 at 23:23 0 comments

    I'm almost finishing the circuit design.

    All of the components values I've used are referenced in the datasheet of the IC.

    I'm making the circuit using single supply 5V input wich then is regulated to 3.3V in two regulators in the board.


    - Find insulated connectors for electrode connection

    - Design two power sources for the circuit: AVCC and DVDD

    - Design 5v<-->3v3 converters for I/O and comm pins

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