On the front of using a much cheaper display module, just got Ucglib running on Arduino for ESP:
If interested to give it a try, my port is at https://github.com/spapadim/ucglib (let me know if it worked). It also requires two simple patches to the Arduino ESP install: https://gist.github.com/spapadim/a4bc258df47f00831006. I believe that u8glib could also be ported in a similar fashion (but not interested in doing it right now).
Support for the touchscreen controller is still missing (shouldn't be hard, though).
Note: there is also a port of ucglib to NodeMCU at https://github.com/devsaurus/nodemcu-firmware/tree/dev-ucglib (which convinced me to give the Arduino port a try; thanks!!). That port strips out most fonts from the source (avoiding this was the part that took me a while to get working).
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Hi, I'm trying to use Ucglib 8bit parallel ILI9341 on ESP8266. I't works but it is mirrored. How can I to fix that? thanks.
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Using Arduino under Windows the files are in C:\Users\tommytamsen\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0
But how do I apply the patch/diff files?
Under GnuWin32/patch I get errors and i Linux I get:
$ patch platform.txt < platform.txt.diff
patching file platform.txt
Hunk #1 FAILED at 21.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file platform.txt.rej
tommytamsen@ubuntu:~/patch$ ls -al
totalt 44
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