
Started uhf digital radio mics, true diversity recievers

A project log for wireless microphone digital

developing a digital wireless radio mic in both 2.4ghz and UHF

ben-bilesben biles 07/17/2016 at 06:460 Comments

about 100MHz tunable bandwidth. The hard part will be finding a compression codec that can squeeze reasonable quality audio into 200kHz channel mask for the cortex M3 cpu's, maybe it does'nt exist, maybe aptx but that's a commercial codec. Tried compiling celt codec in the arduino due ide but it has a ton of includes and not sure it will work.. Might have to look into cortex m4, read m4 has some dsp built in. Would be interested if anyone knows of an open source realtime compression codex that would work on cortex m3?? Not opus since its a collection of codecs and more for rtp top udp etc.. I'm making packets and timestamp at a lower level..
