
Ongoing Development Efforts: The Hackaday Prize

A project log for Stubby the (Teaching) Hexapod

100% open source robot platform with accessability and affordability in mind: teaching children of all ages about robots & programming

the-big-oneThe Big One 07/08/2014 at 20:270 Comments

While the main Stubby build is completed, it is far from over as a development and teaching platform.  My goal, and the objective of my entry to The Hackaday Prize, is to use Stubby to help teach children basic programming concepts such as calling functions, creating and reading variables, executing control loops, and checking conditional logic. When you are learning to program for the first time, it is much more exciting to see an actual robot bow to your wishes, rather than see 'Hello, World' printing in a text console.

In order to do this, there are a few things which need to be done:

Check back often, or follow this project for updates!
