Event Summary!
On World Create Day, we worked on some (very cool) projects that would empower people with disabilities. In Vancouver, we created custom video game controllers, prototyped exo-skeleton arms, and repaired LipSyncs. We were joined by students and volunteers. Here’s the team in action: Above: Mimi working on an accessible Wii controller Above: UBC capstone team members, (left) Albert and (right) Wen-Ling, showing off their work on an updated LipSync running on Adafruit Feather board Above: SFU capstone team working their way through an exo-skeleton arm (and snacks – snacks are important) Thank you for helping us build something that matters.----
Our Makers Making Change team, along with many of our volunteers, will be at the Vancouver Hack Space on Saturday, March 17, from 12 pm and onwards, to participate in World Create Day. We will be working on projects that empower people with disabilities. Some projects include:
- Creating custom video game controllers
- Prototyping exo-skeleton arms
- Repairing LipSyncs (https://hackaday.io/project/13424-lipsync)
We are hosting this event in collaboration with Vancouver Hack Space, who have their own events through the day and into the evening:
Come help us #makeaccess
You can RSVP on eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hackaday-world-create-day-2018-tickets-43940592495
DATE AND TIME: Sat, March 17, 2018 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT (though other fun is planned into the late evening hours)
LOCATION: #104-1715 Cook St Vancouver, BC V5Y 3J6
What is World Create Day?
"Come join us alongside 100 maker spaces world wide in a day of creation! On Saturday we will each be building projects of our own or projects for The Hackaday Prize, which just started on Monday. When with us, make sure add photos & posts about your projects on twitter with the tag #WorldCreateDay and follow along with the world's creation with the tweet wall: http://worldcreateday.tweetwally.com/!"