Programming model for Surfaces
The method used here is to package each geometric primitive (e.g. sphere) as
a Matlab 'struct'. Geometric primitives are then grouped in a 'cell array'.
The cell array is ultimately passed to the renderpatch
for conversion to a shaded polygon image or the renderwire
for conversion to a wireframe image.
Each geometric primitive struct may have several data fields. Each struct must
have a faces
field and a vertices
field in order to
be rendered. The vertices
field of N vertices must be an Nx3 array.
The faces field of M faces must be an Mxf array, where f would be 3 for a triangle
list and 4 for a rectangle list. For example a struct called cube
could be defined as:
cube.vertices=[ 0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 0; ... 0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1;]; cube.faces=[ 1 2 6 5; 2 3 7 6; 3 4 8 7; ... 4 1 5 8; 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; ] ;
Of course, it would be tedious to have to figure out the faces for spheres and other objects, so a set of prototype objects is included below.
There are several optional fields which can be defined. The field names are
case-sensitive and must be all lower-case. If you do not specify a field value,
its default value is used. All fields can be used with the renderpatch
function. Only facecolor, edgecolor and visible may be used with renderwire
In addition, renderwire
maps the facecolor to the edgecolor.
- facecolor: Can take the values
- 'none' which makes the faces invisible
- a color string e.g. 'white'
- a 3-vector [red, green, blue]
- default=cyan
- edgecolor: Can take the values
- a color string e.g. 'white'
- a 3-vector [red, green, blue]
- default='none' which makes the edges invisible
- ambientstrength: The non-directional light reflectance. Range=0 to 1, default=.6
- specularstrength: The specular highlight reflectance. Range=0 to 1, default=.2
- specularexponent: The specular highlight size. Range=1 to 1000, default=10
- diffusestrength: The directional light reflectance. Range=0 to 1, default=.5
- facelighting: Can take the values
- 'none' which means that lighting computations are not done.
- 'flat' which means that each polygon has one color.
- 'gouraud' which means that each polygon has interpolated colors.
- default='phong' which means that each polygon has interpolated normals.
- visible: Can take the values
- 'off' which is invisible
- default='on'
For instance for the cube
struct you might want to specify
cube.facelighting='flat'; %flat shading with no edge interp cube.facecolor=[.9,.2,.2]; %a red color
The renderers, renderpatch
and renderwire
a cell array as a parameter. The cell array should contain all objects to be
rendered. The combine
function described below concatenates objects
in the correct format for the renderers. See the example code below for specific
The Matlab Code for Surfaces
The code is packaged as several Matlab functions so that is can be used in a natural fashion. The Matlab 'help' function will return information on each function.
- renderpatch
- Converts a cell array or struct to an shaded polygon image.
- returns a count of the number of structs actually rendered.
- renderwire
- Converts a cell array or struct to an wireframe image.
- returns a count of the number of structs actually rendered.
- combine
newobject=combine(obj1, obj2 , ...);
- Several objects may be combined into one composite object
- scale
- Input paramenters are an object and the scale along each of 3 axes.
- translate
- Input paramenters are an object and the distance to move along each of 3 axes.
- rotateX
- angle is rotation in degrees around the x axis.
- rotateY
- angle is rotation in degrees around the y axis.
- rotateZ
- angle is rotation in degrees around the z axis.
- UnitSphere:
- Input parameter is a measure of the output sphere resolution.
- 1 produces an octahedron
- 2 produces a sphere with about 100 faces
- 3 produces a sphere with about 200 faces
- 5 produces a sphere with about 770 faces
- The input can be a fraction, e.g. 1.5 and can range from 1 to 10.
- Output is a struct with vertices and faces approximating a unit-radius sphere at the origin.
- UnitCylinder
- Input parameter is a measure of the output cylinder resolution.
- 1 produces a four-sided tube
- 1.5 produces an eight-sided tube
- 2 produces a cylinder with about 100 faces
- 3 produces a cylinder with about 240 faces
- The input can be a fraction, e.g. 1.5 and can range from 1 to 10.
- Output is a struct with vertices and faces approximating a cylinder at the origin with its axis along the z-axis and extending from -1 to +1 along the z-axis.
- UnitTorus
- inputs parameters are the cross-section radius and a measure of the torus resolution. Use a resolution of 3 or above for a decent approximation.
- Output is a struct with vertices and faces approximating a torus at the origin with its axis along the z-axis.
- UnitCube
- Outout is a cube at the origin spanning [-1 -1 -1] to [1 1 1 ]
- UnitSquare
- Outout is a square at the origin in the x-y plane spanning [-1 -1] to [1 1]
- UnitSurface
- Input parameter is a measure of the output surface resolution.
- 1 produces 8 triangular faces
- 2 produces 32 faces
- 5 produces about 200 faces
- 50 produces 20000 faces
- The input can be a fraction and can range from 1 to 100.
- Output is a polygonal surface at the origin in the x-y plane spanning [-1 -1] to [1 1]
- The surface is suitable for parametric deformation. An example
shows how to deform a plane into a variable-radius cylinder. The result
is shown below.
- Polyhedra
- The input parameter is one of:
- 'tetrahedron'
- 'cube'
- 'octahedron'
- 'icosahedron'
- 'dodecahedron'
- All polyhedra are scaled to fit in a unit sphere.
- A test program generates the following image.
Examples using Surfaces
- This short example draws a three segment arm-like device and rotates each
cyl = UnitCylinder(2); L1 = 3; L2 = 2; L3 = 1; radius = .3; w1 = 5; w2 = 10; w3 = 30; arm1 = translate(scale(cyl,radius,radius,L1/2),0,0,L1/2); arm1.facecolor = 'blue'; arm2 = translate(scale(cyl,radius,radius,L2/2),0,0,L2/2); arm2.facecolor = 'green'; arm3 = translate(scale(cyl,radius,radius,L3/2),0,0,L3/2); arm3.facecolor = 'red'; angle1 = 0 ; angle2 = 0 ; angle3 = 0; for i = 1:36 distal = combine(translate(rotateY(arm3,angle3),0,0,L2),arm2); distal = rotateY(distal, angle2); arm = combine(translate(distal,0,0,L1), arm1); arm = rotateY(arm, angle1); cla renderpatch(arm); camlight box on view(30,30) drawnow set(gca,'xlim',[-5 5],'ylim',[-5 5],'zlim',[-5 5]) angle1 = angle1 + w1 ; angle2 = angle2 + w2 ; angle3 = angle3 + w3 ; end
- This program builds a water molecule, duplicates it, then flys the camera
around the scene and makes a movie of the flight.
clear all % Hydrogen H = UnitSphere(2); H.facecolor = 'blue'; %Oxygen Rox = 1.4; Ox = scale(UnitSphere(2),Rox,Rox,Rox); Ox.facecolor = 'red'; d = 1.4; %approx O-H distance H1 = translate(H,d,0,0); ang = 107; %bond angle H2 = rotateY(H1,ang); water = combine(Ox,H1,H2); %approx Hydrogen bond distance water2 = combine(water,translate(rotateX(water,-45),1,2,3)); %init 40 frames of a movie mov = moviein(40); framecount = 1; figure(1); clf; %draw the water and move the camera and make a movie for i=0:.1:1.57 renderpatch(water2); camlight set(gca,'cameraposition',[20*cos(i),20*sin(i),0]) set(gca,'cameratarget',[1,1,1]) set(gca,'cameraupvector',[0 0 1]) set(gca,'cameraviewangle',30) set(gca,'xlim',[-5 5],'ylim',[-5 5],'zlim',[-5 5]) box on xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') mov(framecount) = getframe(gcf); framecount = framecount + 1; end figure(2); clf; axis off movie(mov,-5,15);
- The following code renders the image at
the top of the page.
clear all; clf; sphere1=UnitSphere(2); sphere1.facecolor='white'; cyl1=UnitCylinder(1); cyl1=translate(scale(cyl1,.1,.1,.75),2.8,0,0); cyl1.facelighting='flat'; cyl1.facecolor='yellow'; octa1=UnitSphere(1); octa1.facecolor='red'; octa1.facelighting='flat'; octa1.specularstrength=.7; octa1=translate(octa1,1.8,0,0); %Animate for time=0:.1:4 level2=combine(... rotateX(octa1,time*90), ... rotateX(cyl1, time*(-180)) ); level1=combine(... level2, ... rotateY(level2,90), ... rotateY(level2,-90), ... rotateY(level2,180), ... rotateZ(level2,90), ... rotateZ(level2,-90)... ); base=rotateZ(combine(sphere1,level1),time*45); clf count=renderpatch(base); axis off; grid on daspect([1 1 1]) light('position',[10,-10,10]) %Do a persptective transform set(gca,'projection','perspective') set(gca,'CameraViewAngle',6) %The frame background color set(gcf,'color', [.6,.8,.8]) xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z'); view(-28,20) drawnow; end %for rotate3d on
- This example constructs a simple airplane and rotates
the props. Setting
results in a transparent cockpit canopy. - The UnitSphere, UnitTorus, and UnitCylinder shapes can be parametrically
modified using a 'superquadric' formulation which
results in 'squared off' shapes. Example images show the effect applied to
a sphere and a torus.
- A student and I used this modeling system to build a simple maze. The maze
was presented as both an overhead and in-the-maze view. We made a simple GUI
to navigate the maze. There are two files necessary to run this example; maze6.m
and maze6key.m. The first program defines the maze
and a bunch of UIcontrols (see GUI
design). The second program is a function which is called to implement
camera movement through the maze. An example of the two views is shown below.
The maze consists of a collection of scaled UnitCubes which are translated
to various positions.
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
The CSG description used here is very simple and limited to fairly coarse volume representations of solids. The scheme is to represent each elementary solid, e.g. cube, as a 3D field of values, negative on the inside and positive outside. The CSG operations of union, intersection, and subtraction then become simple min/max operations on the 3D fields. After all CSG operations are complete, the volume representation is converted to surfaces.
Programming model for CSG
All volume-shapes are generated as 3D scalar fields. These fields may be subjected
to the usual CSG operations mentioned above. Since fields are really arrays,
all fields which are to be combined must have the same number of elements. The
' parameter associated with construction of CSG objects
sets the number of elements and thus must be the same for all CSG objects which
will be combined using CSG operations. After all CSG operations are performed,
the volume-object is converted to surfaces for rendering. The volume which is
modeled by the CSG operations is hardcoded to -1 to +1 on each axis. Objects
may be scaled after they are converted to surfaces. Objects may also have other
parameters, such as facecolor,
set after they are converted to
surfaces. All objects are rendered using the routines described above.
You may use several distinct CSG objects in a scene. Each different object can have its own resolution.
Matlab code for CSG
As with surfaces, there are routines to build and modify CSG objects.
- CSGcube
solidcube=CSGcube(xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, size, resolution);
- returns a field containing a solid cube.
- xcenter, ycenter, zcenter position the solid cube in the region of -1 to +1.
- size is 1/2 the length of a side of the desired cube. Size plus center parameters must fall in the range of -1 to +1.
- resolution is explained above.
- CSGcylinder
solidcyl=CSGcylinder(xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, radius, axis,resolution);
- returns a field containing a solid cylinder
- xcenter, ycenter, zcenter position the axis of the solid cylinder in the region of -1 to +1
- radius plus center parameters must fall in the range of -1 to +1.
- axis must be one of the following strings: 'x', 'y', 'z'
- resolution is explained above
- CSGsphere
solidsphere=CSGsphere(xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, radius,resolution);
- returns a field containing a solid sphere
- xcenter, ycenter, zcenter position the axis of the solid sphere in the region of -1 to +1
- radius plus center parameters must fall in the range of -1 to +1.
- resolution is explained above
- CSGunion
solidunion=CSGunion(Field1, Field2);
- Output is a field in which all points inside either input fields are inside.
- CSGintersection
solidintersect=CSGintersection(Field1, Field2);
- Output is a field in which all points inside both input fields are inside.
- CSGsubtract
solidsubtract=CSGsubtract(Field1, Field2);
- Output is a field in which all points inside Field 1 and not in Field 2 are inside.
- CSGtoSurface
surface=CSGtoSurface(field, resolution);
- the output surface is compatable with all routines given in the previously (e.g. rotateX).
Examples Using CSG objects
The following code produces a cup sitting on a simple table as shown below.
%build a cup sitting on a table clear all clf res=15 ; %build the cup body %by making a closed-end cylinder cyl1=CSGcylinder(0,0,0,.45,'z',res); cube1=CSGcube(0,0,-.5,.5,res); body=CSGintersection(cyl1,cube1); %then subtracting another, smaller cylinder cyl2=CSGcylinder(0,0,0,.35,'z',res); cube2=CSGcube(0,0,-.4,.4,res); hole=CSGintersection(cyl2,cube2); body=CSGsubtract(body,hole); %make the handle s1=CSGsphere(.6,0,-.4,.3,res); cyl3=CSGcylinder(.6,0,-.4,.15,'y',res); handle=CSGsubtract(s1,cyl3); %join handle and body to make the cup cup=CSGunion(body,handle); cupSurface=CSGtoSurface(cup,res); cupSurface.facecolor='yellow'; %now make a place to set the cup table=UnitCube; table.facecolor=[1,.6,.6]; table.facelighting='flat'; table.edgecolor='red'; table=scale(table,1,1,.2); table=translate(table,0,0,-1.2); scene=combine(cupSurface, table); count=renderpatch(scene) axis off; grid on daspect([1 1 1]) light('position',[10,0,10]) %light('position',[10, 10, 10]) %Do a persptective transform set(gca,'projection','perspective') set(gca,'CameraViewAngle',8) %The frame background color set(gcf,'color', [.6,.8,.8]) xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z'); view(7,20) drawnow rotate3d on
3D camera model
I started writing low level graphics code in Matlab a few years ago
with the idea of using it in an introductory graphics course. The GUI and an associated function convert a 3D face list and vertex list into a 2D image.