
Unit ready for deployment

A project log for µPower (beehive) SD logger

Let's observe an emerging beehive throughout the year 2018! (And create an logger from scratch for that purpose)

janJan 04/26/2018 at 18:330 Comments

Update 27.04.18:

Above: The open spot in the lower left corner is where the new nuc hive will be!

Above: This will be their entrance for the next 2 weeks. It is kept at about 1 bee-width wide to keep other bees from infiltrating the new hive. They have no time nor the energy to defend themselves yet!

Above: µLogger screwed to the box.

Above: this is how it'll look like. One sensor is in the void to measure the temperature where no bees are, another one goes directly into their entrance. The temp/humidity sensor Si7021 is placed on top between two combs. See next picture:

Above: position of the Si7021 sensor

Title says it all:

I've wired two external DS18B20s and the Si7021 and inserted one DS18B20 directly into the header on the left

Tomorrow we're going to prepare the box for the new bee hive and set up everything. Saturday morning the bees move into their new home!
