
Multicomp FPGA Breakout

Single-PCB "shield" for Cyclone II Mini-board to run retro-computing projects.

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I noticed the other day that the cheap ($30) FPGA board I got from ebay to play with Grant Searle's Multicomp project has headers spaced nicely at 0.1in from each other - so I started designing an Arduino-style shield to connect to all four GPIO headers at once and provide all the necessary connectivity for Grant's project: VGA, PS/2 keyboard, a serial port (and a PC-style header for a second), SD card slot and a 128K SRAM chip, all in a 10cm x 10cm board so it can be cheaply made. I may also add a few extra bits to the VGA DAC and an audio output, so that it could be extended to other toys easily, if there is space. The headers in the render will in fact be sockets on the bottom of the board, not pins on the top.

It's also a chance for me to learn to use Diptrace.

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