
What to do... Hmmm?

A project log for Square inch Raspberry Pi display

64x48 OLED screen for Raspberry Pi

j0z0r-pwn4tr0nj0z0r pwn4tr0n 09/27/2015 at 08:260 Comments

I sat around thinking about what I useful thing I could build in one square inch of PCB, I decided on something with blinky lights or a display. Further refining the idea, I settled on a minimalist display for a Raspberry Pi.

Hmmm, this might just work. I have a couple of these displays laying around, but they are almost too big for the requirements.

Plus there's no easy way to do it, one inch of the Pi's pins is the first 26, so i need something with a serial interface preferably. I picked something up a while ago that seems to be perfect:

It fits with plenty of room to spare, space I could maybe use:

The best part is someone has already done the hard work for me, the schematic:

There's also a driver for the SSD1306 that I can utilize. Now to make a schematic and see what else this needs!


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