

PSX magnetic stirrer to mix alcohol

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After an idea from one of our hackerspace member, i had the idea to make my own magnetic stirrer to mix Punch.
I've a not working PSX who whispered me to hack it.

Idea was to hack the Playstation 1 components to make a magnetic stirrer and mix alcoholic beverages with it ! (Most likely Punch)

Unfortunately the motor used for the playstation 1 on the optical drive was not strong enough for rotation and i had to find external parts.

Overall i try to keep the original case and parts such as the power supply.


sla - 175.08 kB - 03/07/2016 at 22:06


  • 1 × Playstation 1 Not working unit preferably !
  • 2 × Neodymium magnets Not yet found the good one
  • 1 × PTFE Magnet a food safe one
  • 1 × Motor i'm using a Coprel
  • 1 × Speed variator i'm using a KBMC-23BV

  • PunchStation at la Saline Royale !

    Xylitol09/16/2016 at 11:42 0 comments

    Some month ago i, and my hackerspace participated to an event/meet with some others hackerspaces/fablabs.
    I took the PunchStation with me !

    Reflect of water and light:

    La Saline Royale:

    Video available here

  • received new magnets, everything is working fine

    Xylitol10/14/2015 at 14:25 0 comments

    So i received new magnets (less strong) and with a hard disk magnet on the middle.

    Close view on the additional fan added:

    Making 3mm washer for the fan:

    And final test:


    Moar !

    Enjoy and drink responsibly !

    Here is a video... who seem blocked in some country due to music..

    In case you can't view it, here is another link:

  • First start and first fail

    Xylitol10/02/2015 at 10:07 0 comments

    Hello hackers,

    So i started this project today and despite everything looking fine, my neodymium magnets are too strong for the motor !
    I'm waiting to receive new batch of neodymium magnets from eBay !

    The goal is to put everything in a PSX, the motor and the rest must be relatively small.
    For that i got a Coprel motor: AC 230V, 50Hz, 17W, 0,17 Amp

    For my speed control i'm using a KBMC-23BV, 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5 Amp

    Main unit:

    The motor is attached with 3 cable ties.

    For the PSX i've used my dremel to remove a bit of plastic and did my CAD file with solidWorks to put the neodymium magnets, here are some pictures of the design:3D Printed:
    But the plastic bend and magnets goes stuck on the motor due to the force.

    I plan to add a 40x40mm fan for cooling the motor and find new magnets and revise my CAD design to the according new magnets (or maybe using bakelite instead of plastic, i have no idea).

    Power supply pinning of the PSX for future reference:
    To be continued.

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