Originally started as a means of providing a modular motor driver for a large Knex theme park. It uses the highly-popular Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers, and a Texas Instruments DRV-8844 motor driver IC. The design is compact and provides additional I/O for easy integration into larger systems
Tiger Motor Driver PCB Rev 2
Viewable in Diptrace Freeware Edition
The circuit boards came in, and I assembled one for test. Only real issue was that I forgot the pull-up resistor and grounding capacitor on the reset line, shown below on a breadboard. I also added in a LED to act as a debugging indicator on P1.0. Those parts will be integrated into Rev 2, which should go out in the next week or two.
PCB with quarter for scale
On breadboard, with a few extra components
Slightly better view of what was added in
Once I was able to communicate with the MSP430, it was just a matter of turning on the motor power and giving it a whirl
Haven't tested I2C comms yet, that'll come in the next few days, but so far it's looking like the board works as an individual programmable motor controller.
Schematic and PCB for Rev 1 have been uploaded, but unless you want to bodge on the two components for Reset like I have, you might want to wait for Rev 2, which will be going out shortly
Hi, very cool project! I love your board. I know very little about circuits, just learning. I am wondering, is your power supply starting AC? I see that you have capacitors near where the power comes in. Are those needed if your incoming power is DC? If so, can you explain the purpose? Thank you. Also, could you run that board on 12V ? I am interested in your project because I would like to control 2 (larger) DC motors with Arduino and the DRV8844. I was planning to use a 12v battery as the power source, and also include a solar charging controller. (I would guess that I'd need diodes to block the charger from sending juice to the Arduino as well but, not sure).
Thanks for your interest! The board was designed to run off a 12V DC computer power supply, similar to your battery system. Controlling the chip is pretty straightforward with Arduino, I don't have any code posted now but I'm sure I could dig up some of my examples which should compile in Arduino with minor changes. The capacitors are there to provide extra juice to the motor driver when the motors first start, since there will be a current spike on start-up and the voltage will dip, potentially to the point of brown-out on the chip. I highly recommend looking through the DRV8844 datasheet and the example circuit for a better explanation of which external capacitors and extra components to use with the part. Hope this helps, and good luck with your project!
Hi, very cool project! I love your board. I know very little about circuits, just learning. I am wondering, is your power supply starting AC? I see that you have capacitors near where the power comes in. Are those needed if your incoming power is DC? If so, can you explain the purpose? Thank you. Also, could you run that board on 12V ? I am interested in your project because I would like to control 2 (larger) DC motors with Arduino and the DRV8844. I was planning to use a 12v battery as the power source, and also include a solar charging controller. (I would guess that I'd need diodes to block the charger from sending juice to the Arduino as well but, not sure).