
Making a Paddle Controller

A project log for AVeRCADE

Customisable USB adapter for arcade controls.

danjovicdanjovic 10/29/2015 at 20:370 Comments

While waiting for the AVeRCADE PCBs I tried to find locally Atari Paddle controller in good condition at good prices but I couldn't. Only found them here at a high price or in bad condition. On Ebay you can find them for cheap but an overseas shipment would take more time than what's left for the Square Inch contest deadline, so I've decided to make my own - brand new - paddle controller.

Of course I could have used a 1MOhm potentiometer for finishing the development of the Atari Controller Firmware but what's the fun on doing that?

The Paddle Controller

The Atari Paddle Controller is composed of a potentiometer and a push button. Nothing else. Each unit was sold as a pair of paddles sharing the same connector. So, all I need is

All Items were ordered on a local store and shall be available soon.
