"Come join us alongside 100 maker spaces world wide in a day of creation! On Saturday we will each be building projects of our own or projects for The Hackaday Prize, which just started on Monday. When with us, make sure add photos & posts about your projects on twitter with the tag #WorldCreateDay and follow along with the world's creation with the tweet wall: http://worldcreateday.tweetwally.com/!"

We're currently in the "very" late stages and would like to see as many of the Green Bay 920Sec folks as possible show up.
For starters I would like to post some links that I would like to have everyone take a look at and be prepared to talk about at least one subject at this gathering.
Below you will see a pdf file titled Resources.
That is your resources file we would like to have you look at and be prepared to talk about. You may pick and choose any and all topics.
Hoping to see some of our Brothers and Sisters from the Green Bay 920 Sec Group! Please Check in here is you're interested.