
FAME BOY - build log 5 - Hack Like Heck

A project log for FAME BOY

A contest entry to the "Hack Like Heck" contest

davedarkodavedarko 04/22/2018 at 10:240 Comments

I have spent waaaay too much time on the design so far and I'm only at 75% of finishing it. It seems like the parts will arrive this Friday, so it's going to be a long weekend. I've set up a "war zone" for the project, a "FAME BOY only" table of 100 x 60 cm2. Today the button boards arrived from, with a bit of drilling and snipping some plastic posts I was able to fit almost everything but the shoulder buttons. I've ordered a set of buttons again, this time in black! Every part you see needs to be reprinted though, to fit the shoulder buttons. I have the shoulder button design ready, and the bottom parts are ready for a draft print as well. I will try to fit everything in and then com back to the design later, when everything is placed.

So back to the "war zone", I need to fix the Game Boy cartridge reader. It won't start with the program but in the bootloader mode and I need to find out what that was all about. Then I can come up with a way to alert the Raspberry PI that there is a cartridge present. I don't have any diodes on the button pcbs, something I now regret because it's going to be tough to just add the cartridge state as one of the buttons. Ghosting could get tricky.
