
Version 0.2 Is Live!

A project log for CAT Board

The CAT Board is part of a Raspberry Pi-based hand-held FPGA programming system.

dave-vandenboutDave Vandenbout 04/16/2016 at 15:171 Comment

Well, this doesn't happen often: I assembled the new 0.2 CAT Board and it worked the first time! The Raspberry Pi was able to program it with the SDRAM diagnostic and it passed (showing four green LEDs).

The next steps are:

  1. Write the RPi code for programming the bitstream into the SPI flash so I can test the configuration of the FPGA in stand-alone mode.
  2. Assemble the SATA I/O. (I checked that the SATA connectors fit their new PCB footprints, but I still need to get the correct termination resistors.)


Simon Kirkby wrote 04/17/2016 at 03:33 point

wow, looking good. Perhaps the trip to New Cal has helped ?

Looking foward to these being up on the xess store. 

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