Although, yes, the first version of the PCBs had design issues and are not usable (notice J3 is NOT slotted), they arrived in good order and seem to be quite alright. Here is version 1.0 at last:

Labelling the entire bill-of-materials for the PCB did take some time though (transformers not shown):

As the PCBs are so cheap compared with a set of components, I will certainly not be soldering together V1.0 and instead opted for express shipping for V2.0 of the PCB (ordered on the 2nd Sept.).
I did have fun preparing and decorating the enclosure parts though:

Though I'm still having trouble choosing between the red and orange face plates...
Project status:
Sorry for the small update, a larger one is coming soon that will include an upload of all of the CAD files to allow others to do whatever they like with them (short of commercial use). Additionally, there will be a more detailed explanation of the v1.0-->V2.0 changes as well as an upload "final" schematic project photos.
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