Before I get started... Many people have criticised my choice of quadcopter, saying that for a first build it was too steep a learning curve, even calling me reckless for choosing such a powerful platform. And while this may have some merit to it, I live on a farm in the middle of butt-f*ck nowhere, so even a disastrous fly-away couldn't hurt anyone, or cause more than a few bent corn stalks. While I am open to criticism and constructive advice, please note that I was on an extremely tight budget and simply buying a pre-built platform, or a smaller quad, to practice on was not a remote possibility.
So, that aside, I'll get down to what inspired me to build this project. My dad works on wind turbines, he was telling me one day about a photo he took from the top of a tower where he could see, in the field, a cable that had been lain 5 years ago. I started telling him about a project where a camera on a satellite could be used to do the same, and we got onto multirotors.