
Supplyframe Design Lab

Supplyframe has opened a Design + Technology center in Pasadena, CA!

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We've started a place to build awesome, ambitious projects in Pasadena!

The Lab exists for a number of reasons, we're hackers, designers and builders and we love to build stuff. The area also has a good concentration of engineers and artists from Caltech, JPL and Art Center.

So: enter the Supplyframe Design Lab! We invite teams of engineers, designers, hackers, makers and tinkerers to come build the project they have a burning passion to create. The invitation takes the form of a four month long residency where you and your team have exclusive access to all the facilities of the lab to turn concept into reality.

Apply now with a project idea!

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FieldKit is an open-source software and hardware platform (environmental sensors, app, and website) that allows individuals and organizations to collect and share field-based research data, and to tell stories through interactive visualizations. Designed to be easy to deploy customizable, FieldKit can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse research teams, from biology and ecology to marine and environmental sciences, from post-doc researchers to elementary school students. FieldKit offers a simple platform for enabling live data expeditions, and for the creation and deployment of environmental sensor networks or in situ monitoring.


Haroco-12 is an emotive robot with tactile elements, designed to aid in everyday activities and circadian cycling.

Project Lighthaus

Lighthaus is addressing the lack of earthquake early warning systems (EEWs) available to the American public. 

We’re applying herd protection & data crowdsourcing to natural disasters. Physically, our devices will be small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand. They will be plugged into the wall sockets of our customer’s homes and office spaces, monitoring the acceleration of the wall and streaming this data to our servers. When an earthquake strikes, our neural networks will first make certain that an earthquake is in fact underway. They will then immediately send warning messages to all sensors in the region of the incoming shockwaves. 


Cherishables are small physical devices that store individual digital collectables. These handheld objects express the unique, and one of a kind, genetic traits of the digital creatures that inhabit them. In blockchain games, participants typically buy, sell, and breed, digital assets that take the form of pixels on screen. Cherishables are very different in that they physically represent uniqueness through various movements and actuations. With Cherishables, each asset is not just seen and heard, but felt as well. We imagine a bright future for digital collectables, and believe Cherishables represent an important step in bringing digital collectables to life.

View all 20 components

  • Residency0x02

    Katie Huber07/17/2018 at 22:11 0 comments


    Dejlig Line

    Home is the structure and love is the binding agent. And we can't leave the tech talk for a moment. The Dejlig line is a series of innovative, fun and surprisingly useful products developed from concept to actual manufacturing, to make your home an even more fun place.

    Barnabas Bot

    Barnabas-Bot is an open-source Introduction to Robotics product and curriculum that exposes elementary and middle school kids to the inner workings of robotics. Our community driven content guides youth through a self-discovery process as they design, fabricate, wire and program a unique robot of their own.


    Flexible light-emitting materials can transform what we think of as a light source for the home or office. Let's experiment with different surface shapes and LEDs to see what kind of lamps we can build.


    A desktop box folding robot for micro factories. It allows makers and small businesses to compete with large scale manufacturing. In the global market place packaging and shipping is required. Our goal is to help make local manufacturing economically feasible, preventing repetitive motion injuries and letting you focus what is going in the box.

    Control Or Sense

    Extending the VR experience capability for mobile devices. We are doing this by creating the foundation and educational resources to enable makers and companies to quickly develop and test the components for a new controller without the headache of having to write tedious amounts of code.

    ELPH Skin

    A flexible electrophoretic (e-ink) display worn on the skin, similar to a temporary tattoo. This project includes research and development of a thin and flexible multilayered PCB that can be produced with commercially available equipment.

    DTTO Project

    The Dtto Robot is a modular transformable robot designed to be versatile, flexible and self-reconfigurable. The idea of modular robots is that they can adopt any shape they want, by changing the position and the connection of their modules. 


    Develop a prototype of Pyrolysis Chemical Reactor to generate the decomposition of Organic Waste through the application of heat into a Charcoal commonly named Biochar, what is a stable solid, rich in carbon, used to increase the soil fertility to increase the yield in agricultural production, and also allowing us to mitigate global warming by sequestering carbon and producing energy that can be used in the same process to reduce the energy requirements.

    College of the Creatives

    Bespoke mystery puzzle boxes inviting an unsolicited group of nerdy & socially conscientious creatives to join a secret society called the College of the Creatives. After the box is opened, its contents reveal that it was sent to them on behalf of the last member of the LA Science Fiction chapter of the College.

  • Local Info - Parking & Public Transport

    Jasmine Brackett05/24/2016 at 22:44 0 comments

    There is a little on-street parking nearby, but your best bet is to park in one of the parking structures that serves the Metro Station or Old Town Pasadena.

    View a Google map showing the Design Lab location and parking.

    All locations are open 24/7, and the rates are:
    First 90 minutes free, $2/hour, $6 daily max, $5 flat rate after 10pm

    Del Mar Station Parking Structure

    (2 min walk)

    198 South Raymond Avenue.


    Schoolhouse Park & Walk Structure

    (7 min walk)

    33 East Green Street.


    De Lacey Park & Walk Structure

    (10 min walk)

    45 South De Lacey Avenue.

    (626) 577-8963

    Public Transport

    Using the Metro Goldline trains is quick and easy. It takes about 20 mins from Union Station in downtown LA to Del Mar Station, which is less than 2 minutes walk from our front door. Trains run about every 10 mins during the day, and 20 mins at night from 11pm-2am.

    There are also buses that serve Old Town Pasadena. The nearest intersection is FAIR OAKS/DEL MAR BLVD, PASADENA, CA 91105. You can find timetables or use the Metro Trip Planner at

  • Nasa SpaceApps Event

    mguilfoil03/28/2016 at 17:30 0 comments

  • Jan update

    Jasmine Brackett02/02/2016 at 22:46 0 comments

    Tools are being installed and the furniture is starting to arrive.

  • Sneak peek Meetup at the Supplyframe Design Lab

    Jasmine Brackett01/12/2016 at 20:27 1 comment

    Come to a pre-launch meetup at the Design Lab Thursday 21 Jan.

    More info & RSVP at Hackaday LA Meetup!

  • December Update

    Tom Mix12/11/2015 at 22:19 0 comments

    We are getting close!

  • Framing & Drywalling Complete, Now Electrical

    technolomaniac10/07/2015 at 22:28 0 comments

    These are the latest images from the Supplyframe Design Lab. There has been a long road to this point, but the major construction in almost completed. We have outfitted the space with a massive new power budget to run big equipment like a large format CNC (ShopBot) and as you can see in the images, this requires quite a bit of new conduit and all new electrical panels. At this point, we have overhead for anything we might want to add now or anytime in the future! Checkout the latest images below!

    Entry Way

    Entry Way (opp wall)...that's the conf area and laser cutting room floating in the middle there.

    Laser Cutting and Conf rooms respectively


    More power!!

    Main Workshop (CNC) area

    Presentation and Public-Events Space

    Kitchen area looking out towards bathrooms and floating room (ok, that doesn't look like a kitchen, but it will)

  • Innovate Pasadena's article about the Design Lab

    Jasmine Brackett08/19/2015 at 23:27 1 comment

    Michelle Garrett from Innovate Pasadena speaks with Supplyframe's CEO Steve Flagg (@FLAGG).

    Read the full post, and see some more renders of the designed space here:

  • Empty, but now what?

    technolomaniac08/04/2015 at 19:07 1 comment

    Love the look of being lost in a big empty space about to be kitted out. The space is rocking and construction is happening every day! Going to be amazing!

  • Breaking a few eggs - demo work begins...

    technolomaniac08/04/2015 at 19:03 0 comments

    So over the last week or so we *finally* began construction to build out the new Supplyframe Design Lab in Pasadena! Woo hoo!! Below are some pics that show the early demo work. Clearly we had to break a few eggs to make room for awesome.

View all 21 project logs

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Victor Frost wrote 03/02/2014 at 11:31 point
Deezmaker does monthly hackerspace stuff. I'm actually going there tomorrow.

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Ben Delarre wrote 03/02/2014 at 20:24 point
Yes they have a cool little space...but once a month isn't enough time in a hackerspace for me!

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Mike Szczys wrote 02/18/2014 at 20:10 point
Yeah, a hackerspace in Pasadena is a great idea. I thought that clearing out a cube space to make room for the power mitre saw was not the best of ideas ;-) You need a dedicated space where you can make a real mess!

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Ben Delarre wrote 02/18/2014 at 20:16 point
Haha yeah, you should see the looks of sheer horror staff in the office have when you power up a mitre saw in an office environment!

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