
RTC and Kanji ROM activation in TinyBasicPlus

A project log for Some small computer project

Simply making small computer as a hobby, combined my previous two (ATMega, SAMD21 ARM) projects in one.

kodera2tkodera2t 10/12/2015 at 09:060 Comments
Actually I have already installed RTC (NXP PCF2129) and SPI Kanji ROM, but I have forgotten to make command to utilize them in TinyBasicPlus. This time I implemented date related functions.

Simply date and time command will return current ones,

15, 18, 10
but even the screen got bigger, these character are a bit hard to read, so this time

btime and bdate are added (both will show you larger graphic characters).

Maybe some of you ( if you are agree, I don't think you are major in hackaday..), I implement


command which provides you "date and time in Japanese expression". Actual operation can be found in the following movie, and its source is uploaded to github... I hope you will have fun.


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