

Same goes with this project as earlier projects no money but wanted to help the enviornment

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No money but wanted to help the environment as tobacco chewing is comman in Delhi and people have bad habit to puke it on public places so this is it

No money but wanted to help the environment as tobacco chewing is comman in Delhi and people have bad habit to puke it on public places so this is it

  • 1 × plastic tumbler
  • 1 × sewage plastic pipe
  • 1 × passion

  • 1
    Step 1

    Plastic tumber cut from bottom and maddle area

  • 2
    Step 2

    Sweage plastic pipe attach it with tumbler

  • 3
    Step 3

    98% passion to do it and people willingness to help

View all 3 instructions

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inboxsahil.sahajpal wrote 10/14/2015 at 05:09 point

in india people has a bad habbit of chewing tobacco and spit it on roads thats why you people see indian roads red so a product for public welfare for keeping delhi clean atleast

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