I volunteer at e-NABLE - you know, the folks that 3D print plastic hands and arms for differently abled people such as kids with birth defects or trauma survivors. When I got to playing around with my first ESP8266 module I saw how easy it would be to make WiFi apps for e-NABLE assistive devices. When the founder of e-NABLE, Jon Schull mentioned that a Phone Home gadget would be beneficial, I got to work on the task. With a bit of work and some luck I hope to be providing ESP8266 modules to e-NABLE fabricators everywhere.
So now the software is beginning to get stable, for an alpha that is. I have spoken with some people on e-NABLE's management team and they are excited about the project. Also I made the following video:
That should explain a lot about what is going on. Another person joined the project and he will be working on the hardware more. Enjoy the video!