
Hackaday SuperConference 2015

This is where SuperCon attendees and speakers can discuss logistics (like transportation and where to stay) and get to know eachother

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Use the group chat or the comments to discuss. The complete list of workshops and talks is in the project logs on the right side.

  • Event Photos #02

    Joshua Vasquez11/16/2015 at 02:08 1 comment
  • Event Photos #01

    Aleksandar Bradic11/15/2015 at 23:26 0 comments
  • Projects and Badge Modding at the Superconference

    Jasmine Brackett11/11/2015 at 22:34 0 comments


    We are super pumped for the upcoming Superconference and we're really happy you'll be joining us! In addition to the talks and workshops that will be taking place throughout Saturday and Sunday, we have another big feature planned:


    OK, that was a bit corny, but the sentiment rings true. One of the reasons we believe so many of you decided to apply and ultimately attend the Superconference is because of everyone in the community. You have seen and followed their projects on or elsewhere online. Now you get to meet each other face to face.

    We have two requests

    • Bring your projects!
      • One of the best ways to get to know each other at any tech event is to talk about your projects. An even better way to talk about your projects is to have it with you and show it off while talking one on one. The best projects to bring are probably the most portable ones. However, if you have something larger and would like to display it, email us at (transport and set up is up to you).
      • We will also have lightning talks sprinkled throughout the day on the main stage (where the talks are held). Sign up to give a lightning talk when you arrive. You can talk about your project for 2 minutes and get even more feedback from the community!
    • Bring your modding materials!
      • We are not showing the front of the Superconference badge just yet, but we will show the back! You can see a preview here:
      • There are multiple areas for prototyping, both through-hole and SMT. The badge itself is passive but also represents a blank slate for adding stuff to your badge. Part of the evening activities is creating something new from your badge. We will have a small competition, which will conclude at the end of the conference. There are 3 categories of excellence:
        • Best "dead bug" mod - You don't need some off the shelf dev board to make your badge do something cool.
        • Best blinky mod - Blinky things catch the eyes, how blinky can you make a badge?
        • Most over the top - What is the craziest thing you can do to a badge? Must still be wearable around your neck.
      • We will be bringing a range of components for people to use (and some suggestions of what you might do with them). Good things to bring might be small breakout boards or dev boards you have lying around. If you're partial to any particular component you don't think we'll have on hand (we'll have a lot of the old standards), throw that in the bag as well. We'll have soldering stations and hot glue on hand to create your masterpiece. For the super industrious, you can download the (backside) gerbers here (if you want to pre-plan or mill boards prior to showing up).
    Only a few more days! If you have any questions, email Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

  • FAQ

    Sophi Kravitz10/29/2015 at 16:22 0 comments

    SuperCon Eats

    We all love to eat, and get crabby when we don't, so we're bringing in delicious eats during the day. There are also some great restaurants close by if you choose to go out.

    Breakfast at SuperCon 9a -10a Coffee/ Bagels

    Lunch at SuperCon 1p-2p Pizza/ Salad, vegan, vegetarian and gluten free available

    Dinner (catered) at SuperCon 8p after Hackaday Prize awards ceremony


    We'll have water containers available, please bring your own cup/ save your cup to make less trash.

    Dogpatch Eats Recommendations

    Close by:

    Smokestack - Smoked meats and craft beer and smoked meats and craft beer

    Neighbor Bakehouse - OMG so good baked goods for breakfast (not open mon/tues)

    Piccino - Nice Italian and pizza (reservations recommended)

    Serpentine - New American

    New Spot - recommended by a local

    Gilberth’s - Latin “fusion”
    Hard Knox - Soul food

    Up the hill on Potrero:

    Plow - American breakfast

    Mochica - Latin (reservations recommended)

    Umi - Sushi

    Papito - Mexican

    Getting Around/ Parking

    Our advice is to take Cal-train as the stop is very close by.

    Dogpatch Studios is in a residential neighborhood and it may be difficult to park.

    Using Uber (app available on smartphone) has proved to be economical in the past, with Uber pool being $7 or less nearly everywhere with a few miles.


    We will have open WiFi at the conference, but you should come prepared with anything that you need for a workshop downloaded already. USB sticks are your friend. If you have a hotspot, bring that too.

  • Talks at SuperCon

    Sophi Kravitz10/28/2015 at 13:32 0 comments

    Link to workshop descriptions

    Shanni R. Prutchi Construction of an Entangled Photon Source for Experimenting with Quantum Technologies
    Minas LiarokapisOpenBionics: Revolutionizing Prosthetics with Open-Source Dissemination
    Fran BlancheFun and Relevance of Antiquated Technology
    Danielle ApplestoneFounding a hardware startup: what I wish I'd known!
    Luke IsemanStarting a Hardware Startup
    Grant ImaharaFireside Chat
    Noah Feehan Making in Public
    Jeroen DomburgImplementing the Tamagotchi Singularity
    Sarah Petkus NoodleFeet: Building a Robot as Art
    Alvaro PrietoLessons in Making Laser Shooting Robots
    Zach FredinYou Can Take Your Hardware Idea Through Pilot-Scale Production With Minimal Prior Experience And Not Very Much Money, So You Should Do It NOW!!
    Kate ReedThe Creative Process In Action
    Oscar VermeulenPiDP-8: Experiences developing an electronics kit
    Reinier van der LeeThe Vinduino Project
    Radu MotisanGlobal environmental surveillance network
    David PrutchiConstruction of Imaging Polarimetric Cameras for Humanitarian Demining
    Rory AronsonWhy great documentation is vital to open-source projects
    Jonathan BeriI like to move it, move it: a pragmatic guide to making your world move with motors!
    Neil MovvaAdding (wearable) Haptic Feedback to Your Project
    Dustin FreemanThe Practical Experience of Designing a Theatre Experience around iBeacons
    Kay IgweBrain Gaming

  • SuperCon Workshop Descriptions

    Sophi Kravitz10/21/2015 at 23:55 6 comments

    • Advanced Microcontroller-based Audio (Saturday Morning)

    Advanced Microcontroller-based Audio Project page

    In this hands-on workshop run by Teensy creator Paul Stoffregen, you'll wire up parts on a breadboard to get them playing, synthesizing, and analyzing sounds in real-time. Some prior experience with Arduino is recommended. Bring a laptop computer capable of running the Arduino software. Recommended to bring headphones.

    BRING: Laptop & (optional) headphones. All the hardware will be provided. We're going to cover a lot of ground with hands-on activity. It's critical that everyone use identical hardware which precisely matches the written steps. That's why the audio workshop costs a bit more.

    For anyone who's ever been frustrated with audio on a microcontroller... it didn't sound great, it used too much CPU time, your program was burdened with fast low-latency data movement so you couldn't use delays or simple blocking libraries like Arduino's Wire for I2C, you couldn't play or synthesize several sounds, or apply complex effects, or get high res spectral analysis in real time with proper overlapping windows, this is definitely the workshop to see. If you're used to the limitations of 8 bit chips, I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised what good a 32 bit microcontroller can do for audio!

    • Simple RF Circuit Design (Sunday Afternoon)
      Michael Ossmann will show specific examples from his own designs including Ubertooth One, HackRF One, and YARD Stick One. Participants with prior experience designing non-RF circuits should be able to walk out of this workshop with the ability to design boards to use RF transceiver ICs.
    • Squeezing Blood From A Stone: Getting Back Memory and Performance (Sunday Morning)

    Squeezing Blood From A Stone: Getting Back Memory and Performance Project page

    We’ll* guide you through a series of labs to explain how to measure performance and memory, then the basics of improving them based on your goals.

    Since this is a hands on but very short workshop focusing on using the following free tools (Download and install it yourself BEFORE the workshop or you’ll be sad) and cheap hardware:

    *I am looking for volunteers to help me make sure everyone gets the most of out of this workshop. If you are comfortable with C, compilers, and know/can figure out the basics of the above programs, reach out to me by contacting me at volunteer *at* or tweet at me. You’ll get in the workshop as well as the conference for free and meet some of the most interesting people in SF working on hardware. Totally worth 2 hours of work.

    • Crowdsourcing Control with the ESP8266 Thing (Saturday Afternoon)

    Crowdsourcing Control with the ESP8266 Thing Project page

    Toni Klopfenstein will give a general overview of the ESP8266 Thing and show basics of creating circuits that can be controlled via WiFi. There will be an interactive demo that the entire audience can participate in controlling, to show the crowd-sourcing capabilities of IoT devices.

    • Kicad 101 (Saturday Afternoon)

    Kicad 101 Project page

    A 4-hour version of Anool Mahidharia's popular introduction to design your own 100% custom PCB using Kicad. This workshop is tailored for the electronic enthusiast who has been breadboarding circuits but has never used an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) / computer aided design (CAD) program.

    • USSSSSB: Talking USB From Python (Sunday Afternoon)
      2014 Hackaday Prize finalist Colin O'Flynn, will walk you through implementing a simple USB firmware project using an Atmel USB board.
    • Designing with Antimony for use with custom skeleton-physics simulations (Saturday Morning)
      Using the 3D...
    Read more »

View all 6 project logs

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joshua schachter wrote 10/27/2015 at 16:58 point

I'm hoping to bring my robotic whiteboard. - anyone have clever ideas? i am hoping to have an automatic face-sketching thing working soon.

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 10/27/2015 at 23:55 point

I'm also posting this in the chat

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Anool Mahidharia wrote 10/24/2015 at 03:56 point

Should I bring my OpenSelfie photobooth ?

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 10/26/2015 at 12:39 point

Looking forward to having OpenSelfie at supercon!

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EK wrote 10/28/2015 at 12:41 point

Sweet!!!! Anool is going to SuperCon!

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Radu Motisan wrote 10/23/2015 at 18:10 point

Ok, so who's from outside SF? How many are we? Thumbs up please, time is running out. I found two places at about 4miles from Dogpatch but those will probably get booked soon.

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mindwalker59 wrote 10/24/2015 at 22:19 point

I'm in San Carlos and work in Santa Clara.

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Amutha Bharathi wrote 10/27/2015 at 06:34 point

I am in Folsom!

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Nolan Moore wrote 10/27/2015 at 19:10 point

Coming from Las Vegas, staying at the Aida Plaza Hotel, located on Market Street and near a subway exit leading directly from the airport!

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Will C wrote 10/29/2015 at 00:09 point

I'm staying at the Pontiac Hotel its near Aida Plaza Hotel.

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Radu Motisan wrote 10/23/2015 at 10:45 point

For those from outside SF, would be nice to build a list of participants, maybe some of us would like to  organise and stay together for the weekend.

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Henner Zeller wrote 10/23/2015 at 17:14 point

I could organize a trip to Noisebridge, SF hackerspace.

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Benchoff wrote 10/23/2015 at 17:42 point

I'm down with that.

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Rocky McCleary wrote 10/24/2015 at 09:16 point

I'm flying in friday afternoon. I'd be fine with heading to Noisebridge.

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Michael Harris wrote 11/01/2015 at 22:22 point

I would be interested in a trip to Noisebridge or other *spaces. I'll be around on Friday afternoon, though later (>6pm) is probably better.

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Will C wrote 10/24/2015 at 21:37 point

Im flying in from the east coast and would be all for this.

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Will C wrote 10/21/2015 at 08:04 point

For those of us flying in any recommendation on cheap hotels?

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Benchoff wrote 10/21/2015 at 08:14 point


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Sophi Kravitz wrote 10/22/2015 at 00:13 point

yeah, AirBnB or hostel or

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Henner Zeller wrote 10/21/2015 at 06:37 point

Excited to join the conference, just 20min walk from home, yay! I presume it is ok to bring hacks ? I might consider bringing my 80cmx48cm LED panel for hacker-ambience :)  (I wrote the Raspberry Pi library that controls these).

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 10/22/2015 at 00:13 point

Yes! We'll have lightening talks as well (betwn 2 and 5 mins) if you want to present it

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