
ESP is awesome!

Using an ESP8266 to control ws2812b string on themed custom boombox made from a pallet

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This is just the documentation of a quick-turn-around goof-off project for work. I came up with the plan on Sunday with the goal to be finished by Thursday

Every year my employer throws a large Halloween party on site, work stops the day before so that things can be setup. I thought that creating a little boombox to play music, along with a string of ws2812b's to play along with the music (LEGO movie theme)

Unfortunately the box build failed (shockingly, pallet wood is not the highest quality product)

Also, I gave up on the esp8266 in this project. Using ESPixelStick, no matter what config I use to connect the ws2812b's, I get a large flicker that is not present when an Arduino is used.

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