
​Bicycle Drummer by serdef

A project log for Me building projects from

This is where I build and talk about projects designed by the great people of this community.

davedarkodavedarko 02/27/2016 at 20:160 Comments

#Bicycle Drummer by @serdef

One of my first projects that I've posted here is my most skulled and at the same time most neglected project - #Open Bicycle Computer - around the time when I posted it, I've checked for other interesting projects around that subject and found serdef's #Bicycle Drummer. It's essentially an arduino controlling a "Dreamblaster S1" board via TTL midi signals, where the speed of a loop is defined by your cycling speed. Sounds awesome - not just the idea but the actual baseline as well! The dreamblaster is build around the SAM2195 chip, which has 127 instruments and the first thing I did was playing a note with every instrument there is. I was disappointed by the steel-drum, but the rest was nice to listen to.

What you can see here is a first result of a 'getting to know' session with the board. If you think the same way about my talking speed (too slow) then you might want to check the settings of the player, because you can speed it up to 1.5x and still get along easily :D I'm always tired when filming... meh. I'm sorry.

*DISCLAIMER: because I feel I have to say this, serdef send me this board and the arduino+expansion board kindly to play with it and come up with some projects. I'm happy to do so, because I always wanted to get into midi and this connects well with my music hobby and electronics hobby. It's also cool to switch from blinking to making noises sometimes :D
