Chalmers Robotics is a association where robot-builders meet up, build and discus ideas. The purpose of many of the robots that are built is to participate in Robot-SM, but many other kind robots is also built. Robot-SM is the biggest event that is organized by Chalmers Robotics, it lets builders all over Sweden to get to together and compete in robotics.
Chalmers Robotics are also encouraging other type of electronic/technical projects, we are a hackerspace located in Gothenburg.
Are you interested to join our association? It’s easy.
Start by going by our workshop, ask a board member, and he/she will help you to join CRF.
A membership costs 50SEK can be payed in cash or by Paypal. A membership is valid for a schoolyear, that is from you pay until the beginning of next scheelyear (beginning of september).
Anyone is welcome to join our association, even non students.
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