
First cockpit photos

A project log for BorgCube ROV

Underwater robots!

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 02/29/2016 at 06:110 Comments

Here are the first cockpit photos:

The cockpit is currently in 'mono' mode (i.e. not using the stereo camera system) ... which is kind of obvious since there's only one image. On the right you can see various pieces of information:

The center instrument is the artificial horizon and compass. The artificial horizon (the middle bit) shows the current pitch and roll of the craft. The compass (around the edge) show the direction the craft is facing.

All the instrumentation is built using "three.js", a Javascript based 3d modeling library which runs in the browser. I chose this approach because it allows me to easy switch the 3D mode. You can see that below (although this still needs some tuning because I've not actually plugged in my Rift to check everything):

In this image two cameras are being used while three.js is duplicating the instruments based on their positions in 3d space.
