
Hard disk read/write-amplifiers

A project log for Random Ridiculosities and Experiments

Sometimes yah's just gots tah try somethin', regardless of whether it'll become a full-fledged "project"...

eric-hertzEric Hertz 12/25/2015 at 10:350 Comments

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not particularly good at analog circuitry... But that doesn't prevent me from being interested in its potential uses!

An ongoing "thing" has been: what can be done with hard-disks...? And, another ongoing-thing has been: how can I actually *see* the data on a hard-disk...?

Something like that, anyways.

I've checked for datasheets on nearly every read-head-amplifier chip I've found from nearly every hard disk I've taken apart for as long as I can remember, with no luck... until recently.

So here we've got a chip marked:

VTC 100


9714 AN

I can't recall *exactly* what I searched for, this time, that resulted in a match... But it was probably "VM355830"

There's a pretty thorough data-sheet on this guy's family, woot!

No idea *what* I'll do with it, but it's nice to know I finally have something that'll convert those *tiny* magnetic signals into something I can see with my 'scope...

One interesting discovery: This chip has a "Servo Mode" which writes the same data to every read/write head... I *think* this is for positioning the voice-coil... and, if so, then that suggests there's a certain data-pattern written to each "platter" in order to detect the position of the read/write head...

I haven't quite pieced it together... This particular voice-coil is attached to three r/w heads. (Why wouldn't they put a fourth on the other side of that second platter...?).

Then, does that mean that one platter contains a "servo" pattern, and the other platters are used for data *in that same track*, or does it mean that all platters are written with a servo-pattern, and the data is written *slightly off* from it... (kinda like a CD, maybe?). Or does it mean the "servo" pattern is written to all platters, then data is written *over* it in some sort of pattern that assures it's always toggling even if the data itself is all zeros...?

The second case is a bit elusive... If the data is written in a track *slightly* off from the servo-pattern, how does the servo keep on that non-servo-marked track? It looks to me like the r/w heads are all two wires apiece, so it's not like there's one sensor slightly off that's used for servoing and another that's used for R/W...

I dunno. Anyways, it's an interesting thing nonetheless.
