I finished setting up a few API end-points that`ll let me configure the WIFI on the ESP (a separate project on the subject is in the making)
The esp have 4 utility end points -
- /api/status - displays the status of the device
- /api/set-wifi?ssid=<ssid>&psk=<psk> - tells the device to connect to this network
- /api/set-ap?ssid=<ssid>&psk=<psk> - tells the device to setup a new AP
- /api/reboot - reboot the device
The ESP also have 3 end points to control the LED sign -
- /led/set-color?color=< GREEN | ORANGE | RED | BLINKING_GREEN | BLINKING_ORANGE | BLINKING_RED > - Set current color
- /led/clear - Clear the display
- /led/print?text=< MESSAGE > - Print a message
- /led/align - Currently N/A - Align current row
Iv'e also create a simple HTML page that`ll let me send commands to the board.
The commands are set with a simple XML format. Each row in the text-area corresponds with a row on the display.
The XML supports the following tags :
- Color Tag: <green | red | orange | blinkgreen | blinkred | blinkorange >
Example: <green>Text</green> - Space Tag: <#>
Example: <16> - will create a space of 16 pixels

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