
10000 Volt Power Supply

A project log for DIY CO2 Laser

A simple design using plumbing parts.

joseph-lavoieJoseph Lavoie 01/11/2016 at 02:282 Comments

My diodes arrived. Using a piece of recycled epoxy board I installed 40 1000 volt diodes in 4 series elements creating this Bridge Diode Assembly.


Joseph Lavoie wrote 01/11/2016 at 07:51 point

The epoxy board came from a hv supply on an old big screen tv set. I also gave your concern thought. I will also use a conformal coating to insulate the unit. Thanks for your input. Joseph.

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K.C. Lee wrote 01/11/2016 at 03:57 point

The leads of 2 diodes side by side as (they are in series) can have 2000V difference.   The spacing you have on the PCB is significantly less than the industrial accepted "creepage" standards.  You want to make sure that your PCB is very cleaned as surface contaminants could further degrade the insulation between the 2 leads.  You can probably get away with that if your board is used in a dry environment.

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